b. 1993 Belgrade, Serbia

Solo shows:
2024 ‘Metamorphoses’, Santa Maria in Punta, Budva, Montenegro
2024 ‘TURBO FRAGILE’, DOB, Belgrade, Serbia
2022 ‘Cover me with sunsets, put me back to sleep’, KC MAGACIN, Belgrade Serbia
2020 ‘I turn boobs into trees, whales and oceans’ w Nusa Hervans, U10, Belgrade
2020 ‘Radiance Blast’, with Sybil Montet, VUNU gallery, Kosice, Slovakia
2020 ‘You smell of sleep and tears’, City Surfer Office, Prague, Czech Republic
2019. ‘How am I to protect my wax-built castles of love, from the devouring heats of your fires’ Easttopics space, Budapest, Hungary
2019 ‘Awaiting a big event’ Gallery Rampa, curated by Ekatarina Kachalova, Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic
2017 ‘Wish you were not here’, "The Solution", Prague Czech Republic 2017.

Group shows:
2024 ‘The Rotten Smell is You’ curated by Jelisaveta Rapaic, KCB Belgrade, Serbia
2024 Swallowed Red Eyes, Festival ‘Deziluze’, Czech Republic
2023 45th Montnenegrin Art Salon, CGU Miodrag Dado Djuric, Cetinje
2023 ‘Where them stray dogs at?’ FAVU, Brno
2023 ‘In our second home we are all poets’; One Trick Pony Contemporary, Braunschweig, Germany
2023 ‘Selection’ Eugster, Belgrade
2022 'Vunu forever' Kosice, Slovakia
2022 XX Biennale Pancevo, Curated by Maja Ciric
2022 'Blasts Cries LAughter' curated by Nicollo Lucareli, | PRAGOVKA, Czech Republic
2021 'Post-YU+th' Biennale; Center for Contemporary Art, Podgorica, Montenegro
2021 'Milicik' award finalists exhibition; Institute for Contemporary Art, Montenegro
2021 Youth Biennale Belgrade, Serbia
2020 Contemporary Czech Painting; NTK Gallery, Prague
2019 ‘1999 The Oracle told me I’d fall in love with The One’, curated by Natalija Paunic, Fotopub festival, Slovenia
2018 "Dialogue: Objects and Space", Kunstat gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
2017 "FORMA", GIR, Belgrade, Serbia

2023 Milcik Award for contemporary artists in Montenegro

2024 Residency Unlimited, New York
2023 Watermelon AIR, with Sandwich Gallery / Bucharest, Romania
2019 EASTTOPICS, Budapest, Hungary

MA studies at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague
BA studies of painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Montenegro
École Supérieure d'Art de Lorraine, Metz, France (exchange)

2021 Studio Anna Reis, Vienna
2018 Post performance: with Marie de Brugerolle at AAAD, Prague
2018 Canvas. Junge Malerei aus Prag, Dresden und Berlin, Czech center, Berlin, Germany

Cano Koprivica Art collection
LIPA Art Collection
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